Soul Flow Podcast

Soul Flow Podcast Trailer: A new cycle.

Paulina Kulczycki Season 2

Namaste Goddess – thank you for tuning in and for showing interest in the message that I want to birth into the world through this podcast. My name is Paulina, and as a tantra yoga teacher, an intuitive artist and a space holder for women’s circles and immersive retreats, my whole work and dharma revolve around the feminine. WIthin this work I am weaving in elements of tantric rituals, menstrual cycle wisdom, moon astrology, creativity, sensuality and embodiment. 

My wish for this new season of the Soul Flow Podcast is to use this platform to dive deeper into what I already offer, learn from wisdom keepers, teachers, artists and medicine women to hopefully reach as many women and womb holders out there that want to unfurl and unfold the miracle and pleasure of what it means to be born into this world as a cyclical force of nature. So welcome, sister, to the coven of the Soul Flow Podcast.